Foul Play: Hometown Edition

Commenter williamyard on The New Republic got Quote o’ the Day for his well thought out post (which you can read via the link in its entirety) about how once the election turns back to the economy, Obama will get his bounce.

However, take a wild guess at what part of this (otherwise intelligent argument) got my ire:

How many Americans who are motivated primarily by domestic issues and who are not outright bigots have gravitated to McCain in the last six months? Let’s see…there’s Dave, in Cincinnati, still coming back from that nasty kicked-in-the-head-by-a-mule accident…there’s Annie, in Walla Walla, who secretly donated a quarter of the kids’ college fund to Hillary and just can’t bring herself to vote for what’s-his-name…and then there’s…um…wait, I wrote it down here somewhere…

Not cool. Why does kicked in the head by a mule dude live in Cincy? It’s a city home slice–not farmland. No doubt, Cincy is old fashioned (in the bad sense–see reference to a Bowtie in 40 Year Old Virgin), corrupt, and plenty racist and yes there are a good deal of white trash billhillies as we used to call them back in the day, but the mule to the head crosses the line brother.

Published in: on July 29, 2008 at 11:59 am  Leave a Comment  